عرض خاص للاشتراك مع الاستاذ عبدالله في شرح الفيزياء دعواتي للجميع بالتفوق والنجاح
Current of 0.75 A, when a battery of 1.5 V is connected to the wire of 5 m having cross sectional area 2.5 × 10-7m², will have resistivity? The resistance of a 2 km length …
Chem 240 Homework connect to Mr. Abdullah Mohamed Physics and Chemistry teacher ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= ======================================= 1. Carboxylic acids are characterized by the presence of which functional group? a) Hydroxyl (-OH) b) Carbonyl (C=O) c) Carboxyl …
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The position of an object is given as a function of time by x = 4.0t2-3t3, where x is in meters and t is in seconds. What is its average acceleration during the interval from t = 1.0 s to …
نحرص في أكاديمية النجوم التعليمية أن نكون حرصين كل الحرص علي مصلحة أبنائنا الطلاب و أن نرتفع بمستواهم التعليمي و قدرتهم علي استيعابهم المواد التعليمية و فهمها الفهم الصحيح و من خلال نخبة من افضل المعلمين المحترفين ذوي الخبرة الطويلة …